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Dive Site Medical Kit

The Dive Site Medical (DSM) Kit is designed to serve commercial diving operations, and also advanced sports diving activities. It can be configured to cover the requirements for saturation and air diving operations.

The kit complies with the recommendations of the Diving Medical Advisory Committee (DMAC 15-4).

The DSM kit provides dive site operators and medical staff the capability of dealing with both medical and trauma incidents when definitive care may be hours or even days distant. The kit contains medicines and equipment to deal with specific diving-related life –threatening occurrences such as pneumothorax.

The DSM Kit is usually supplied in Pelicases, which keep the contents of the kit in excellent condition in the harsh marine environment. There is an alternate option to supply in soft bags if this is preferred.

The kit is split in to several sections, to enable appropriate deployment at the dive site. Each section is subdivided in to modules, which enables intuitive use in the event of a medical emergency. The overall kit layout is detailed below and overleaf:

Dive Site Medical KitMedical/Trauma/Resuscitation Bags

Dive Site Medical Kit
Medical/Trauma/Resuscitation Bags

Dive Site Kit Data Sheet v1.jpg

Additional items can be incorporated in to the DSM kit according to client requirements and medical capability on site. These include defibrillators, oxygen kits, extraction stretchers and vacuum splint sets.
